Tuesday, March 29, 2005

i'M glAd...

hAD cell grp yesterday...any way the fellow ppl were just shocked...cause...i was so super abnormally quiet i didn't kow y either i just didn't feel like talking...anyway...i really liked it...cause I LOVE U JESUS!!!
you are the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE!!!you are the only one i could live for...it's most worthy...and i have ABSOLUTEY NO REGRETS living just for you!!!your grace abounds so deeep within me you wil never ever change...yesterday today the same!!!
look i mean is like who can replace Jesus???TELL ME!!!NO ONe...really there is none..utterly none...i can't name any...i just love u to the CORE of the EARth...
any way today we had choir....ok i am not going to mention a single thing abt it..i feel sick and tired mentioning cause it is the same thing everytime...
skool...was alright...i kicked of the day eating a good fresh slice of MANGO cake from JACK"S PLACE....it cost me like a enormous bomb..but i realy liked it...so i bought...and it really is a good start...too bad i am not rich at all...or else...haha nvm

Sunday, March 27, 2005


when i was young...the impression of easter is...decorating eggs...and sending them for competition...but now...i got to know Jesus...the true meaning of Easter revealed...it was the day He rose from the dead...on the third day of his death...it is al abt praising him...abt remembering...it has a deep within understanding...today,i went to church...it was really cool...i really wished that number of ppl will remain every service...if only we gad fellowship after every service...
anywaes...i am longing to haf at least ONe christian book...(i dun haf any christian books...haiz)i also wish to haf the whole set of hilsong...is so sad i also dun haf even one...sigh...FAther...u love us so much,that's y u stayed on the cross..u could haf chosen not to but your love is so unconditional...u allowed the soldiers to mock at you...because YOU LOVE US...FAther...I LOVE U WITH ALL MY HEART!!!


when i was young...the impression of easter is...decorating eggs...and sending them for competition...but now...i got to know Jesus...the true meaning of Easter revealed...it was the day He rose from the dead...on the third day of his death...it is al abt praising him...abt remembering...it has a deep within understanding...today,i went to church...it was really cool...i really wished that number of ppl will remain every service...if only we gad fellowship after every service...
anywaes...i am longing to haf at least ONe christian book...(i dun haf any christian books...haiz)i also wish to haf the whole set of hilsong...is so sad i also dun haf even one...sigh...FAther...u love us so much,that's y u stayed on the cross..u could haf chosen not to but your love is so unconditional...u allowed the soldiers to mock at you...because YOU LOVE US...FAther...I LOVE U WITH ALL MY HEART!!!

Friday, March 25, 2005


I hAf lOng wAiteD tHIS dAy...to commemorate the crucification of JEsus Christ our saviour...it is finally here...and i love it...i am so happy man!this day...i brought hengyue to church..priase GOD that she is able to come...God rawks...it's was indeed a really remarkable day for me!leaving this day aside for Him...putting down our homework and assignments,we PRAISE HIM to the core of the earth! HE IS COMING! the GREATEST GIFT of all is SALVATION....yes yes yes!!!!i love it Jesus rawks and HE really does...testimonials everywhere so real abt wat GOd did to the life of Christians...how can anyone not believe?isnt't it really wierd?it dun make sense...no offence to non christians...but i am just stating my stand


I hAf lOng wAiteD tHIS dAy...to commemorate the crucification of JEsus Christ our saviour...it is finally here...and i love it...i am so happy man!this day...i brought hengyue to church..priase GOD that she is able to come...God rawks...it's was indeed a really remarkable day for me!leaving this day aside for Him...putting down our homework and assignments,we PRAISE HIM to the core of the earth! HE IS COMING! the GREATEST GIFT of all is SALVATION....yes yes yes!!!!i love it Jesus rawks and HE really does...testimonials everywhere so real abt wat GOd did to the life of Christians...how can anyone not believe?isnt't it really wierd?it dun make sense...no offence to non christians...but i am just stating my stand

Thursday, March 24, 2005

eVe oF gOoD fRidAy!

i Am so ecvited i can't wait for tml cos there will be GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE!!!!! i can't wait really i can't...i really wish i can dun go school and get church as myu schhool really i wish to maN!!! i really dunno how ever am i gonna be able to express myu love for HIM!!!cos HE has done so much for us...no one will ever be so brave to be nailed on the cross cause it is really very very painful....just imagine nailing yourself through your own flesh!!!OUCH!!!i can't imagine it...so we haf a big debt to pay to HIM!!!in order to do so, we should obey him,accept him,and stuff...he redeemed our sins...so tommorrow is the day, that will remind us of his great sacrifice and also to remember..the fact that he died for us to save us...to redeem our sins...i really haf no idea how am i gonna repay my life...

Monday, March 21, 2005

i"m oVErjOyeD!!!

first day of skool i went to skool....early in the morning when i woke up,up i went out on the streets!my heart when "thud thump" is accerleralted and i was shocked i was getting so excited...ever since yesterday.....i felt myself suffocating...hmmm...wat was that?i wonder...suddenly, i felt sumthing splashed at me...wat's that?there is nothing around me to be excited of there is nothing around me that can touch me...again there i went....i vibrated real real real hard!!!Am i nuts???NO!!!it was GOd...ooooo his presence ever so strong...after skool...i went to the fitness corner..with heng yue...we were alone there...i seemed too crazy...i was jumping jumping and worshipping God like as if i were to be in synergy...i was outta coutrol...JESus...i whispered in my heart...and it thumped even faster...father...i belong to u....take me...i'm your!!

Sunday, March 20, 2005


skool reopen tml....half joy and sadness...any way i can wait for EASTER AND GOOD FRIDAY!!!occasions worth to celebrate...!!!!and i get to go church ya!!!i really wished church was open everyday....so i can go there everyday to worship,pray,do home work,have cel....won't it be fun???i would love that...pray pray and pray hahahah any way...yup...skool reopen tml....TODAY I GOTTA MP3!!!!!it's so super cool let me tell u it's so nice and it can also act as a thumbdive,can record also,have radio!!!!oh my goodness....it's just so cool....it's my early birthday present...hmmm
i am so excited lo anyway....praise the lord....man i am listening to such ademoralising song now when i am in ahappy mood...hmmm change hahah any way i am high today...very very high...GOD IS MY JOY!!!he makes me happy being able to praise him....argh!!!!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

tMl....iS thE dAy i'vE lOnged waited fOR

SUnday!that's tml...waited for likE wat seemed like ages and i am really so excited...it'll be EASTER in no time and i really want to celebrate it...hmm...rather freaking bored today...homework not done...too bad...wat can i do....SLACKING all teh way throughout the hols cause it is lioke so boring???duH wat elSe nothing but choir...bUT if i come to think of it...if i wasn;t in choir,would i be able to worship GOD with my voice?well perhaps yes but i'll sound horrendous(not say i sound good now but at least i know how to use teh correct way and not end up with a sore throat after each song i sing) that's a blessing in disguise...coming to think of it...it's really sad cause i haf some ANTI GOD friends....and they think that they can live life without God ain't that sad?christians?u haf your view...anyway i am just rather scared....receiving like one letter and is like...OMG traumatised really dun get it....i am so blessed really cause others are suffering much more than i do...THANK U FATHER!!u are the one who enabled my life without u i'll be aimless...and depressed,not knowing the purpose...of being here...any way...yup it ois ONE MORE DAY to sch and i am so freaking horrid cause i feel like slacking for as ling as i wished to....welllbut not going to sch makes me feel lazy...perhaps...because i sidn't even excercise a single bit????how woud i know???bet me!!!

it"S satURdAY lA...bUT so wat?

oopS..jUSt oNE moRE day and i GOtta go bback to SKoool
chuRch tML..sIGh two ppl sent me letter...cause of the same reason...and thEy wanNA mE tO heLP them...i dunno abt the other one but one is so depressed tiLl he/she(not revealing) does not want to talk so sad life is so unpredictble...thINgs can jUSt coME and gO aNYtiME thEy fEeL liKE it...so Sad...that is wat makes JOY BITTER...i finally found the real purpose of life...that's to bring JOY TO OTHERS...to bring LOVE TO THE REST and to HELP THOSE IN NEED...TO GLORIFY GOD,TO SPREAD THE GOSPEL...and DO WAT GOD INSTRUCTS ME TO DO...that's the purpose...of mE,ON EARTH...iT"s all abt lOVE,jOy pEAce,pAtient,Kindness,GENTLENESs,selfcontrol...which makes one's life meaningful....that's sounds SImplE ya?noT true..try it yourself and that's it..you'l kow it all...haha...HOLS ENDING how can this be???I DUN BELIEVE IT!!!i really dun TIME FLIES fASTER THAN WIND!!!that's horrendous any way..TREASURE ur free time!

it"S satURdAY lA...bUT so wat?

Friday, March 18, 2005

hMmM...lASt dAY oF hoLS...

juST caME bAck fRoM suntec...heex...bored dead...well...liFE have been rather blessed despite what haf happened...but i really gotta pray for my friends...juniors...well they seem to be suffering alot...may God's strength be upon all HIs children...thinking of it...being a councellor would really be a great help to them...since i wanna be a social worker too!!and it is also part of it...entertaining them...and stuffs...gotta pray pray and pray...that's da key...i really wished to be able to hlp them physically and also mentally...it'll not only bring joy to them,but also to myself...though the process is rather challenging...I"LL LEAVE IT TO GOD"S decision....it's he's choice and i'll do whatever he says!he's my king...well...yup...can't wait to go church...is the timie to feel his strong presence when everyone is worshipping...cool atmosphere...love it lots
well...hmmm...not fair skool reopening soon...sigh...spent six days of my holidays doing things which has gotta do with skooolll...choir ah..man...ok nvm...watever...can't wait to see someone...and other things tooo...lots of waiting of many things for me...thank GOd taht i have some patience...

cHILd oF GOd...fEelINg so blESSed...

well hols...today is sort of the last day...sigh mum took leave so sad lo!!!
she woke me up early in the morning at five and asked me to do house work!!!
arghhh!!!!how i hate it....so horrendous....man oh man...i bet ya my life is not fated to be a house wife!!!!!I HAF MY GOALS!!!!and she is just ruining it for goodness sake!!!!!how i really hate it!!!she thinks that if my academmic is lousy it's hopeless!!!wat a 'fact' from her!!!!man...says who...ok maybe herself...or whooever who supports that statement...which is so silly for sake...kk nvm...blessed?well...ya of course....anything is a blessing...bad or good...hahaha cause God planned it and we gotta follow his plans closely..lalallawell...ppl DUN NAG!!!be grateful u all needn't do house work!!!cause it feels so horrendous washing mopping,sweeping....ewww....how i hate it!!!
feels just like a silly child maid...
or is it child abuse???
ai yo....i'm still 14 and i'm staying in singapore....hmmm
so sad...
better well off not get married....saves all my trouble of anything lalala
hmm...no way!!!!
Gos created adam and eve....so we must get married...lalala

Thursday, March 17, 2005

He hEAlEd me!!!!

Man oh man i was feeling so sick today when i got out of the house...feverish i should suppose oh man sigh i wonder why...ain't it sad?
bUT.....i haVe an instant cure with me!IT'S FREE!IT'S powerful!!!
guess wheat?
that cure is GOD!!!!
hallelijah praise u king!
isn't it cool?
faith is so impt in wat we do...sigh i am really so freak today cause a horrendous secret was let out!!!!
ok fine DUN ASK!!!!
i am just freaked out msn for a certain reason!!!
i should blame myself...
for being so careless!!!!
ok fine..
forgive and forget!
and everything is fine....chill...it's over and the fact can't be changed anymore and after....though it is rather sad sigh....
live the day as it is and nothing will happen for sake!
trust in the GOD!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

yEA....i'M jUst feEliNG wiErD fOr sOMe rEAsOnS....

lOng tiME nEVer blOg AlreaDy...boRed....i MA juSt so tiREd of doiNg so mAny thiNgs....God's presence is really very impt at this very moment...holidays are ending every day i have t0 go to sch...is this call a holiday???the time i reach home is like the time i usually do during sch days wat's the point of this holiday???i dun get it...GOD!!!i gotta praise u !!!u Are WONDERFUL in my life!u play an impt role!!!!I LOVE U!!!cheerleading today...well it was fine...wasn't too bad...ahaha well ya..hols is not even hols...sigh...i only enjoy the cheerleading most it
s so cool for some reasons.....

Saturday, March 12, 2005

lIFE hAvE bEeN rAthEr aIMless...

i seEM to be living each day aimlessly
and she doesn't understands anything at all
she just take her kids like a machin
throwing tantrum any time she wants
NEVER once showed any love
i really dun feel it
never once
she juz simply thinks that we are her robot
but i am not i am born into this earth with a purpose!!!and i reapeated that many many times already!!!!
she is pissing me off EVEYRDAY
and i can't stand it
i dun wan be a robot
i really dun
life has a meaning for me
i am living in a world of delusionity
it feels horrible
really horrible
no one can imagine it
only i can
it's is really remorseful
and y am i the one?
GOD help me!!!!
i really need your help i can survive without your presence!~

lIFE hAvE bEeN rAthEr aIMless...

Friday, March 11, 2005

maNy tHIngS jUZ sIMplY COme And GO iN lIFe....

Well have been rather long time sinced i blogged....lazy perhaps(actully it is true..)tAg boarD juZ reCovEreD fROm it's iLLness..it better noT geT sick again or i'll aBanDOneD that siLLy 'child' hahah adding colours into my bloggis...lalalala today is the last day of our TERM 1 and after library duty,i'm gonna straight down to the Rev BeNNY hiNN THINGY it's like a conference...well bored lets tok abt yest....well went parkway after school and just sillyily met some classsmates ppl lik syayz,siew chi,rieka(surprisigly)qing yuan and others....went to VJC after that and guess wat??i entered their GYM for goodness sake and it was so cool!!!it's been a long time since i went gym...cause i am not a member of any sadly...wished i had the money...cause it's cool to go gym though you get rather sweaty and sticky after u come out of there..well i tried on this silly equipment and as i didn't know how to use it..i step on this platform(SO called ) and fell RIGHT straightdown to the ground ahaahhah it's ever lasting comical and nyone going pass would laugh their teeth straight out~!!!!ok any way...i did a hand stand agaisnt one of their clean wall and didn't expected my shoe to be dirty and left a big and clear footprint on their wall...was that suppose to be...good or bad?or a souvenir for them from my feet?
well pass few days had been rather stressful with endless stuffs to do..it is like piling non stop and it's really diff to deal with juniors..(now i know how the seniors suffer..) but in my opinion,i would say that this year the juniors are getting worse and worse...their attitude totally *** is like they mature so fast and is like they break skool rules EARLIER than us!!!!it's really diff to deal with them except for some...and way... yea last day of skool an i dun wanna brood over the problems too much....i would really wanna enjoy it and yea gif me dainty brain goody brain from work..cheerleading competition is like next week the wed....well..yea..really gotta cooperate and just hope we get sumthing...anyway it;s really cool to be in cheerleading....it really promotes team work and bonding and you learn alot from there!!!!

Monday, March 07, 2005

wOW!!!!cElL gRp rAwkS!!!

i CAn't believe it...today seemed a long dAy to mE uNtil wHEn cELl gRp sTarted!!!!time flies!!!!!oh man...i really loVe it...I lOve u GOD!!!i loVE you!!!FATHER!!!i can't stop praising you!!!cell grp really rawks...is like an encouragement to me for thE whole week to really begin....with GOD,nothing is impossible!!!AMEN!!meditation of GOD"S word is wat my cell grp leader is always stresing every time and it's realy impt!!!devotional too!!!!it really rawks!!!i am just nuts abt it!!!(prayer) is so impt in our life and is like no christians can resist it!!!!is just like part of our daily routine!you wake up,you pray you eat you pray yopu walk also pray!!!!!and so one!!!!cel rawks!!!!

Sunday, March 06, 2005

it"s SABATH!!bUT....

i reaLly hATe iT wHEn pEoplE pLAys ArounD wiTh mY SchEduLE!iS lyK thEY Either ThinK that i Am those Very Free Ppl WIth noHTIng to do And tat happen this morning!whEN mY moTHer acTuAlly Said tHat i CannoT go church and insist that i stayat home to do house work!unreasonable!then later at eleven she come and tell me taht i can go church!isn't it horrible????and it SERIOUSLY pissed me off!i really hate ppl doing this no matter who that person is...eveyr one has their own respect and so do i ...human ami after al!when she woke up,she either gone crazy or wat,coming into my room shouting at me asking me why i didn't finish house work!iS like i already did lo mind her..eveyr thing that happens at home has got to do with me!i really wished taht i had enough money and get her a MAID for her birthday!she treats me not like her daughter...i totally feeel no sense of love from her instead feels like a maiden of hers!!!!is that wwat a 'daughter' is for????i really dun get it!!!!she doesn't do the house work and she's asking me to do!!!!!hate it!@!!!

Saturday, March 05, 2005

I CAN"T stop FALLING in LOVE With YOU!!!!!-jesus-

nO sKoOl?
nO stREss!
i'M hIgH!!!!
i loVe sAt!
bUT ilOve suNdAys eVen mOre!!!!
cHurCH,prAisING GOD haS bEcoME mY pAstime!!!
it's lIke a hObBy,
u oPen uR mOutH,
U pRaisE God!
u sHut uR mOuth,
u prAy iN uR heArt,
hE's ALmiGhty!
evER lastiNg!
pRInce oF peacE!
hE's wAt u EXACTLY nEeD!
wIThoUt fAil!
i CAn'T sTop falliNG iN lOVE wITh U GOD!!!!
i'Ll nEvER sTop fALlinG iN lOVE wIth u!
You ArE WondERfUl,mArveLlouS!
a Role mOdEl fOR eVery hUman!
yOU ArE mY sTrength of aLl mY days!
yOu'Re alwaes bEsiDe mE!
-yoU aRE mY shERPARD!!!!
-i shAll nOT bE iN waNt!
-yOU mAKe mE lIe dOWn iN gReEn pAstUres,
-yOu lEAd mE beSide qUiEt watErs,
-yOu reStorE mY soUl,
-yOU gUide mE iN paths oF rIGHTEOOUSNESS!
-eVen thOugh I wAlk iN thE valleY of sHAdoW of deATh,
-i'll fEAr nO eVil!
-fOR u r wIth mE
-yOu ROD And yOUr stAff!
-thEy cOmfoRT mE!
-yOu pRepaRE A tble beFore mE!
-iN thE prEsenCE oF mY enEmiES,
-yOu anOit mY heAD WITh oiL,
-mY cuP oVerflOWs,
-sUReLy GooD nEss n lOve wIl fOlloW nE,
-ALl thE daYS oF mY lIve
-And i wiLl dWelL iN tHE hOuSe oF thE lOrd,
FOREVER!!!!!!-psalms 23!!!!!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Is JuSt A mAtTeR oF fAcT.....

DId i EnjoY mYsElF?
or rather did i soB?
I reAlly DunNo..
It's a DaY,Juz fOr mE...SwEeT N SouR...
ALways in there!
but JuS y CAn't I remind Myself THe PURPOSE OF LIFE?
SO mAny THings to HAndle!
HEre TO kIlL mE?
i"m jUS ConfuSEd!
WhY ShlD I DO Dat?
Do i dEsErve tO?
SWEet!THat's WAt make sOur bExt!
rEcAllIn meMorIes,soUR oNEs,
jUSt maKE mE wanna CRy...
i jUz cAn't,I dUn bElieVE i"m suCh aN iNtRovErt.
I reaLly Dun.
StarINg iN fROnt oF thE cOm...
I'm Jus wondering.....
wAt WlD tMl bE?
skoOl dAys hAd bEeN moSt Stressful,
The sEc 2 yRs....
wERen'T iT meAnt tO bE Joy?LAughTEr?
bUT y i DUn sEeM tO gET it?
i seem To be MiSinG oF sUmthIng In lIfe...
Y?iS jUz lIke eXplOdiNg...
aN aCtiVe vOlcAnO,
rEadY tO eXploDe aNy tIme,
wItH aLl tHE sUBstance In it....
Fair?NoT fAir?
i DUn gEt it...
bUT y?
sHlD i HidE?
i HAf nO iDeA....
i Juz FeEl lIke bUrstIng...
OuT wIth tEars...
bUt i cAn't....i ReAllY dUn gEt it...
iT's jUZ a mAttEr oF fAct...

Thursday, March 03, 2005

WaT a BlESSed DaY!!

ya right!!!!so blessed today well...ya today have the gymnastic thingy and my very first thought was that i wouldn't make it to do those cartwheels and hand stand....but after trying...i cancelllled the handstand and just do the cart wheels no choice cause must have cartwheels but noone can do....i am so glad God came at the right time to help me!or else i would never make it to complete....i failed once but not the second time....thanks to those ppl who cheered me on!!well it didn;t turned out veyr well and i feel so super sorry to the grp...but i can't do anything casue it's the lweg and how i know the pain would last so long?ever since the sports heats!!!NVm!!!!well...any way dun worry cheerleaders i'll recover in time just for the competition!!!won let you ppl down!!!!CHEERS!!!!PRAISE THE LORD!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Age...it does matter

You Are 23 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax

Wat the???HOW CLD THEY.....!!!!

ya right hahaha it's wednesday today a...good obr bad????well have lots of bad news la....first of all...tommorow is the gymnastic thingy and my right leg which is my most impt leg hurts like crazy..how on earth am i gonna do cartwheels and hand stand?i dun get it really.nextly.....i really like to ''comment'' my group members for not being cooperative!is lyk they were suppose to turhn up for he gymnast prac durin recess lo but not only they didn't but even show me some blur look....i can't believe it lo like that also can!!!ok never mind nextly.....i am wierdly put inchare of the SEC 1 and 2 for the CARNIVAL DAY!!!!!WAT A TASK!!!IS A CARNIVAL DAY!!!hello:???nothung funny one leh....and ahve to settle their performances!!!!?????okok i know i am gonna be dead cos i really dunno wat on earth they are doing .....I"M DOOMED!!!!that'ws all i can say cause....HOW ON EARTH AM I GONNA CONTACT SEC ONE"S WHO CAN PERFORM?????????ok nvm....wil'll see if i survive or not...*pissing off*

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Yawn!wat a day!Sports heats rawks!!!!

hey ppl....ya i am generally worn out...skool was half fun and boring sigh...had shot put heats today and cheerleading practice after skool....well generally surprisingly the SHOT PUT actually made me tired not CHEERLEADING cause their was alot of waiting!!!*yawn*we managed to finish until our class cheer which was a super duper good improvement...but i need to polish my steps!!!heex...sports heats really rawks lo and through this i fancy RUNNING even MORE hahha ok i know you all may think that i am nuts!but throught the 1.5KM race....for God knows what reason i love running hahaha isn't fun?i mean is like playing catching when you were young but not that bad hahah well okok i know yhou all may be thinking i am out of my mind ahahah NVM hahaha cheerleading really RAWKS but for GOD knows wat reason when we rehearse i just get NERVOUS hahha ask me?how i know?hahah....well GOd bless you ppl!


*tHe trUe teStifieR...
+TKGS.dance accompanist +Singapore Symphony Choristor! +debator +God's little daughter
*Loves <3

+Jesus Christ
+God's united body
+the Arts!

*dReamer's drEAms...

+more of God!
+carefree life wiTh Jesus
+studio to jam
+learn more instruments


*26th-8/3 - GCE Registration
*10th-Theory Grade 8 exam!
*29th-Dental =(

*now,and ever...

+Slim down!Grow taller
+desired 'O' results
+Parents Salvation
+Inspiration to write and compose
+Grand Piano
+device with metromone and tuner
+Mjphorsis attires

*pRevIous testimonies

- February 2005 - March 2005 - April 2005 - May 2005 - June 2005 - July 2005 - August 2005 - September 2005 - October 2005 - November 2005 - December 2005 - January 2006 - February 2006 - March 2006 - April 2006 - May 2006 - June 2006 - July 2006 - August 2006 - September 2006 - October 2006 - November 2006 - December 2006 - January 2007 - February 2007 - March 2007 - April 2007

*mOre tesimonies

iNtervIew wITh mY dadDy*

Testify to Love- Avalon


Testify To Love <3
All the colours of the rainbow
All the voices of the wind
Every dream that reaches out
That reaches out to
Find where love begins
Every word of every story
Every star in every sky
Every corner of creation
Lives to testify

For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences
When words are not enough
With every breath I take
I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love

From the mountains
To the valleys
From the rivers
To the sea
Every hand that reaches out
Every hand that reaches out
To offer peace
Every simple act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the hope in every heart
Will speak
What love has done