I CAN"T stop FALLING in LOVE With YOU!!!!!-jesus-
nO sKoOl?
nO stREss!
i'M hIgH!!!!
i loVe sAt!
bUT ilOve suNdAys eVen mOre!!!!
cHurCH,prAisING GOD haS bEcoME mY pAstime!!!
it's lIke a hObBy,
u oPen uR mOutH,
U pRaisE God!
u sHut uR mOuth,
u prAy iN uR heArt,
hE's ALmiGhty!
evER lastiNg!
pRInce oF peacE!
hE's wAt u EXACTLY nEeD!
wIThoUt fAil!
i CAn'T sTop falliNG iN lOVE wITh U GOD!!!!
i'Ll nEvER sTop fALlinG iN lOVE wIth u!
You ArE WondERfUl,mArveLlouS!
a Role mOdEl fOR eVery hUman!
yOU ArE mY sTrength of aLl mY days!
yOu'Re alwaes bEsiDe mE!
-yoU aRE mY shERPARD!!!!
-i shAll nOT bE iN waNt!
-yOU mAKe mE lIe dOWn iN gReEn pAstUres,
-yOu lEAd mE beSide qUiEt watErs,
-yOu reStorE mY soUl,
-yOU gUide mE iN paths oF rIGHTEOOUSNESS!
-eVen thOugh I wAlk iN thE valleY of sHAdoW of deATh,
-i'll fEAr nO eVil!
-fOR u r wIth mE
-yOu ROD And yOUr stAff!
-thEy cOmfoRT mE!
-yOu pRepaRE A tble beFore mE!
-iN thE prEsenCE oF mY enEmiES,
-yOu anOit mY heAD WITh oiL,
-mY cuP oVerflOWs,
-sUReLy GooD nEss n lOve wIl fOlloW nE,
-ALl thE daYS oF mY lIve
-And i wiLl dWelL iN tHE hOuSe oF thE lOrd,
FOREVER!!!!!!-psalms 23!!!!!
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