cHILd oF GOd...fEelINg so blESSed...
well is sort of the last day...sigh mum took leave so sad lo!!!
she woke me up early in the morning at five and asked me to do house work!!!
arghhh!!!!how i hate oh man...i bet ya my life is not fated to be a house wife!!!!!I HAF MY GOALS!!!!and she is just ruining it for goodness sake!!!!!how i really hate it!!!she thinks that if my academmic is lousy it's hopeless!!!wat a 'fact' from her!!!!man...says who...ok maybe herself...or whooever who supports that statement...which is so silly for sake...kk nvm...blessed?well...ya of course....anything is a blessing...bad or good...hahaha cause God planned it and we gotta follow his plans closely..lalallawell...ppl DUN NAG!!!be grateful u all needn't do house work!!!cause it feels so horrendous washing mopping, i hate it!!!
feels just like a silly child maid...
or is it child abuse???
ai yo....i'm still 14 and i'm staying in singapore....hmmm
so sad...
better well off not get married....saves all my trouble of anything lalala way!!!!
Gos created adam and we must get married...lalala
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