it"s SABATH!!bUT....
i reaLly hATe iT wHEn pEoplE pLAys ArounD wiTh mY SchEduLE!iS lyK thEY Either ThinK that i Am those Very Free Ppl WIth noHTIng to do And tat happen this morning!whEN mY moTHer acTuAlly Said tHat i CannoT go church and insist that i stayat home to do house work!unreasonable!then later at eleven she come and tell me taht i can go church!isn't it horrible????and it SERIOUSLY pissed me off!i really hate ppl doing this no matter who that person is...eveyr one has their own respect and so do i ...human ami after al!when she woke up,she either gone crazy or wat,coming into my room shouting at me asking me why i didn't finish house work!iS like i already did lo mind her..eveyr thing that happens at home has got to do with me!i really wished taht i had enough money and get her a MAID for her birthday!she treats me not like her daughter...i totally feeel no sense of love from her instead feels like a maiden of hers!!!!is that wwat a 'daughter' is for????i really dun get it!!!!she doesn't do the house work and she's asking me to do!!!!!hate it!@!!!
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