hahas! in school now waiting for the choir to start
went to cut my hair yesterday...
and i didn't expected a super short tail to come out
but i thank God..
cuase when the person was cutting i was like..
but then,...i prayed...
and GOD said that i will be beautiful
so here i am with this really short and cute tail!
me eileen and tasha's hair are like so rawk kaess?
hahas! jealous?
go to that top image and cut!
the hair dressers are liike soooooo hahas!
wait till u experience urself! =)
GOd's just so good lahh
yesterday during quiet time...
i was praying on my bed...
then the Holy Spirit just led me to dance for Him..
while i was dancing...
GOd said that He's watching at a corner..
and that my dance was very pleasent!
thank u Jesus!
then suddenly i just knelt down
and just started thanking God for everything.
Holy tears just came streaming down...
my God...
He's done so much for me...
i just dunno how to express my love to Him...
i love u ...
till the end of the world...=)
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