Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Have u ever wondered?who was the one who created mother nature?who was the one who created U?i bet most of u haf had at least the slightest thought about that happening but still many refuses to admit the true God...-Jesus. But have u also wondered what is your main purpose in life?Is it all about scoring straight As with no attitude or otherwise?Look no further the answer will be revealed soon and Here's the bridge that will clase the gap to a more meaningful and a purpose driven life!

As known...none of us man are perfect...BUT...did u know that we were once perfect?There was a time of perfection,where mankind and animals of the land,sea and air lived in perfect harmony.God created Adam and Eve,the first two humans ever on earth.they had a perfect relationship with mother nature and of course,God himself.They were in the Garden of Eden where trees of each species blossomed and beared wonderful fruits.And of that. GOd told them that they are Not allowed to take any fruit from the TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. and look! mankind were perfect and it means NO EVIL. and if u dun eat the fruit that existed on that tree,u will see,hear,and know no evil.isn't that amazing?

[GENESIS 2-3]refer to the bible or go to any online bible!fOR the story of aDam anD evE!

But unfortunately there was a problem,and because of cause the great down fall of mankind. There was one day while Eve was strolling in the garden,the devil(satan) in the form of a serpent convinced her into eating the fruit and claiming that upon eating she would be like God and hereyes would opn.The sepent being more cunning than the other animals God had created said:'Did God really said youn musn't eat from any tree in the garden?' Seeing the fruit was pleasing to the eye, and also,desirable for gaining wisdom,she took some and ate it. Then passed the fruit to her husband. Adam, to eat. That very day,After eating,their eyes were open.and they saw wat they didn't know.They saw that they themself were naked and immediately took some fig leaves to cover their body. That very day.both heard the sound of the Lord God and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden as they said that they were naked....from then on.God told the serpent that He will greatly increase the pain in childbearings and with it,she will give birth to children....

So,we all have sinned against God...doing things that are not pleasant to GOd's holy eyes...we fell short of the glory of God. it is stated in the bible that we were created in God's likeness to be like HIm but because 'allhave sinned and fallen short of the glory of God' that simply means thatwe can no linger be like Him .Also it was stated that 'the wages of sin is death' and what does it means?it means that we are condemned to eternal sufferings in Hell after we die?but that doesn't means that ALL OF US are condemed as The good news is that we are saved from this eternal suffering only if we believe in CHrist and accept HIm as our LOrd and Saviour.

About 2000 years ago.GOd sent his one and only son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross of calvary to redeem all of our sins,[john3:16]'for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever belives in him shall not perish but have eternal life' on the third day of his death, (ressuraction)Jesus rose up from the dead and conquered sin and death for YOU! back to the is said that 'if u confess with your mouth,Jesus is Lord,and believe in your heart that God raised Him fromt he dead, YOU will be saved!' so what are u waiting for now!?evidence is in front of you,JEsus is the one and only true God..he said [john 14:6]'i am the way,the truth , and the life,no one comes to the father except through me' would u rather risk a moment of hesitation and end up suffering for Eternity?

So if u wanna be saved from this condemnation, it is really really simple. You might say that U dun deserve to be saved at all cause of ur countlesssins.but God offered this redemption for EVERYONE.and NOThing can scrub our heart clean of sins EXCEPT JEsus'ts blood!. He gave man the will todecide what they wan their lfe to be as he is such a gentleman who will not interfere or force.He gave YOU the freedom to choose. so i beseech you.Are uwilling to make the choirce to day?

IF u are, all u need to do is to pray this really simple prayer RIGHT NOW!
Dear Lord Jesus, i admit i am a sinner and i need your forgiveness. i believe that u died for my sins on the cross,i now open the door of my life and inviteyou in to be my saviour and lord. thank you Lord for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life.Take control of my life from this minute onwards.make me the kind of person u want me to be.i pray this in YOur name,Amen

And now that u have prayed this prayer, u know what? u are now a child of the almighty God and u are free from bondage and will not suffer in the HEll for eternity but instead,join the heavenly angels and God Himself in heaven after u have gone from this earth.and eternal life for u! so go get a bible today and read the wondeful word of God. Then,find a spirit filled,bible believing church where u are comfortable in and start attending it regularly!(U are most welcome to our church which is KAM KWONG CHRISTIAN CHURCH ASSEMBLY OF GOD)Welcome to Your new life in Christ,my friend,FastenYour seat belt and get ready for the greatest adventure that God had in stored for u in ur life!=)
(u can tag on my board or email me at if u haf prayed this prayer or if u are interested in joining our church! May God Bless You!


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Testify To Love <3
All the colours of the rainbow
All the voices of the wind
Every dream that reaches out
That reaches out to
Find where love begins
Every word of every story
Every star in every sky
Every corner of creation
Lives to testify

For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'll be a witness in the silences
When words are not enough
With every breath I take
I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love

From the mountains
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To the sea
Every hand that reaches out
Every hand that reaches out
To offer peace
Every simple act of mercy
Every step to kingdom come
All the hope in every heart
Will speak
What love has done