iT sEeMeD like ageS has passed...true??hmmm i duN thINk so SeemEd only...haha...i guess everyone is feelng numb now...and me and belicia thought that we should stop all the crying thingy...and seemed wierd huh?i dunno but i'm just feeling wierd in me...receiving sms every now and then...talking abt wad happen...some say it's like a night mare...true of seemed like only the junior (sec2) are 'active' online...ppl like alicia....belicia.shirleen...and me lor...haiz.....where are all the seniors??(except Evon)aRE they lost in their oWn woRld??hmm i dun suppose so...
Choir on TuesdaY...same time say place..same face... take note choiristers!
MS lim will not be coming but there will be a 'talk' by the seniors..and it better not be the we suppose...
hMMm dun't 'u ppl realise something?this SYf thingy has caused more 'bonding' in disguise....that's how we juniors think...but such a a sad one hahaha
Com on....CHEer uP pPl...rigHT???internet active junIORs???ain' that wat we are asking everyone to dO???hahah
i guess....we have gone like CRAZY some how...heex....funny ya??
(sorry..trying to make my self forget abt wadeva it is...)
yippe doodle!i hope wadeva it will fade soon...and we will sail...(row row row your boat)down the gentle flowing stream of our wonderful life right??? time to repl to ppl's tag (actually i got this idea from's a good idea though)
BeL:hEy yea righT!!! TK CHOIR WILL RAWK ON FOREVER and we shall pass it down from generation to generation ya???hEY sOP 1 rawks too!!!
ALiciA:ermm sorry but i dun think i get wad u mean thought...cheer up gaL!
ShIR:let those scencs fade away i know and i understand it is diff...bUT...iF u know wat life is...u'll understand...and will try to give in more...haha....
sO ppl...chEEr up kae??there is nothing wrong..this is life(SALAVI)in french!
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